Monday, February 22, 2010

SUPER speedy post!

OK i know today is monday and therefore should automatically be a slacking day, cuz i mean come on it's monday, who really wants to work today? no one. Anywho, I have a ton of work to do in order to get a document out and approved by this Thursday, therefore this will be short and sweet and i will sadly have no time to read any of my usual blogs. Tear.

short and sweet, short and sweet, hmmm. ok let's start with the weekend. Great weekend. Had an...interesting night on Friday with my buddy Evan. We played pool, rented Whip It (amazing movie btw) and then ended up watching odd tv shows late into the night till i kicked his butt out...:) Saturday I went on a mini adventure, as co-pilot to JB: Moncton and costco! I got some sweet deals there, bought L.A. Candy, Lauren Conrad's was cheap!!! I've already started it, lol. I also got an addidas tracket (jacket/sweater) for 19.97! Amazing, thank you whole sale. Sat night was the gold digger pubcrawl which was so much fun! so many people i love were there with smiles on their faces and wicked outfits on their asses! good night and good times.

ho hum...anything else? not so much, it's march break next week i realized. then i realized i dont get march break. fuck real life jobs. i am however getting a little treat this saturday, me and dad are going to check out a motorcycle i might be buying EEEEEK! here she is, what a beauty.

I've already named her, she will be Sheila, if she is to be mine. Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly....I always say! So cross your fingers.

This post was written in record time. PAYCE mo fos. And have a lovely monday.

I've also been watching the sex and the city seasons...this is from season 4: The episode when Samantha and Richard Wright are slow dancing on the rooftop, and Samantha finally gives in to love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sheila is effing sexy.

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