Friday has finally arrived. Missing, however, is my usual sense of delight at the prospect of a weekend and freedom from work crap.
I am looking forward to the events of the weekend. I am just in one of those dull ass moods that sometimes interrupts my daily life.
Tonight I am hitting the town with my main man, Evan. And by main man, I mean good buddy...just in case anyone missed my previous posts concerning this gent. Thinking of playing some pool, maybe catch a movie, but all in all keeping it a pretty low key night in preparation for…….SATURDAYS PUBCRAWL! I ain’t sayin she a gold digger. I’ve been listening to that song constantly, and have watched the video a couple of times. I thought I might catch some inspiration from the ladies outfits, but really? They’re all wearing dresses cut down to bathing suits, tons of expensive bling, and have crazy fancy hair dos. Yeah, I will be rockin the tshirt, possibly rockin a sweet gold gansta chain if I can get my hands on a good one, and I’ll attempt to pimp up my hair as much as is humanly possible without making myself look like a buffoon. Oh yeah, and makeup…duh. But that’s just normal going out. OH I do have gold shoes…? Haha, I am weak I know. Will be hitting the predrinks hard at Whit’s apt beforehand….HOPE I WONT BE THE ONLY ONE, HINT HINT.
Oh fuck, Colin just got here and now I gots to pee. WHY does my body do this to me? Doesn’t it know any better! It seems every time he’s around I am physically drawn to him…STUPID HORMONES - TRY LISTENING TO MY BRAIN FOR ONCE.
PS my sister E just started a blog! YAY. please harrass her with many comments, she is sick funny. I love her attitude and outlook on life and you will too. also, if she is reading this, she should start following me (go to my blog, click on follow at the top left of the page) Once I get 20 followers, I will be doing my FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!! so follow on.
Ra ra. Ro ma ma. Roma. Ro ma ma.
Yupp, the song is still good.
Everyone have a swinging weekend. That’s an order!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
thats the best bit, I sing it soooo loud! x
I AM your follower!!! I'm Caligirl (my pic is the Happy Bunny image).
Thanks for the marketing buzz, babe.
oh ya..shit. thought i was gonna get a new follower. lol
just friends eh.......I know your tricks...
WHOOOP! I ain't saying she's a gold digger. Yup, that video gave me inspiration for moulin rouge weekend, but not so much this weekend! :P
Can't wait to dance!
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