Pretty good day at work, fairly quiet, but extremely warm and nice out. No need for winter coats yesterday afternoon, yay! In the morning I worked on the 15 minutes presentation I have to do this Friday in front of my whole department :|. The afternoon I spent working with my desk Buddy, Marc. He gave me a tutorial on how to code in VBA for excel. (write computer programs that work in microsoft excel) It was fun and he is a good teacher, tho he thinks he isn't. He's my favorite person to ask for help here at work because he is always up for explaining things and he does it nicely and so I really understand well.
Like I mentioned in my earlier post, last night I had signed up for the Wire Basics class at Garden of Beadin. In this class I made two pairs of earrings, a bracelet and something I cannot mention because it may or may not be duplicated into presents for some people who might read this. In order to make the earrings and the bracelet, we took basic wire and were taught how to manipulate it into slip rings, earring hooks and bracelet clasps. I am QUEEN of the P-wrap loop! Now I don't have to spend obscene amounts of money to buy these pre-maid. Yeah.
Oh, right, let's get to the Sore, cold and cranky part of the night. Well I arrived in Fredericton at the regent mall to an, of course, freezing car. I have to get to class early so I can pick out the beads I'm going to use, so I've got about 30-45 minutes to drive there, park and get some food. First, I couldn't decide where to go eat. I'm driving down regent, sitting in my icebox with wheels, thinking, oh, I could go to wendys. But then I've already driven past prospect and I don't feel like switching lanes and back I think Dimitres. Then I remember I don't have a book to read or anything, dimitres takes a bit and I've just eaten there. O, there is a McDonalds downtown in kingsplace. All I can see is a Big Mac and me chomping on that goodness. So, I'm driving around downtown and I'm looking for a parking space. There are no parking spaces :| And it's so cold and slippery I really dont feel like walking from behind city hall (which is like the safe place to park since there are always spots). I think I'll park in the kings place parking garage, where I never have before, but there must be some spots there. I get there, and it costs money! 1.50 per hour...I will be parked for atleast 3 hours..and it's all automated so I don't even know if I have to pay after 5pm. I back back onto Brunswick st when no one is coming and drive around. THERE is a spot right beside kings place. This old couple just drove out! But alas, I am not facing the right way, so I pull ahead through the set of lights and wait till there are no cars, pull a U-e. By this time the light has already turned red, so I'm stuck waiting, starring at it. Another car comes along, the only other car I swear, and they have the green light. They turn and take the spot while I just am sitting there swearing and burning them with my eyes! I turn left next to the building next to kingsplace, in front of the bank of hong kong, and there is a spot. I park. It says 1/2 parking only. I am so frustrated already I'm like, I don't care if it is after 5 I do not want to get a ticket for parking here for 3 hours! Grumbling I drive to city hall and park behind it.
So far, I have covered cold, and sort of crabby. Here comes the sore: (and NO I did not fall, if that is what you are thinking, cuz that would have been really funny actually)
My legs ache from doing the Body Pump exercise class Sunday. Sooooo stiff. So I'm walking really slowly so I don't faceplant, I'm super sore, I'm freezing and now I am cranky. This is the point where I actually said out loud: "Sore....cold...and cranky because of it!" lol, I'm a hoot. and don't worry no one was around. I often talk to myself while walking downtown alone at night because I am afraid of muggers, and I secretly hope my chatter will deter them.
Fast forward to me getting to kings place, it's about 6:29 at this point and Mcdonalds closes at 6:30 apparently so says the girl working there and they are no longer making food. Shoooooot me now. Too late to go to Dimitres. Subway it is. Meanwhile, still freezing, sore and extra crabby now due to lack to deliciousness.
As I take a bite of my catfood tasting chicken breast sub 10 min later, I get a txt from B telling me how she ate subway friday and spent the rest of the weekend puking her guts out because of it.
So far, I have not been sick, thank goodness!
Finally I get to my class and it all goes well from there and my crabbiness goes away. I came home to a wonderful, lite up house, and my momma even made my lunch for work today :). Lovely, lovely..
tonight I plan on stopping at the bead store on the northside, Beadnik, to see what they've got. and then off to Body Flow class at goodlife on prospect for 7:30pm.
B arrives home Friday woo!

ahahaha,i LOVE that signage!x
Question 1 - WHAT on earth is a magpie lark?
Question 2 - Do they live in this area?
Question 3 - Should I be afraid for my life when I go outside?
Also - I am sorry you had a sad Monday. I am happy that beadin' makes you happy. :)
trisha my dear, you do not have to worry becaussssse, this is a sign i found on google while searching 'cranky', lol. Notice Adelaide city council in the upper corner. That is in Australia mate!
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