There was a Santa Claus! also free hot chocolate, apple cidar and cookies from the Happy Baker
Here are the fire fighters going up, up, UP
Shot of the awaiting masses
I ended up catching $10 downtown dollars, $2 for room 2 remember and a coupon booklet.
I then took my good ol'time walking around to all the stores i was interested in. I went to Garden of Bead'in and signed up for a free earring making class for Thursday. They sell all the supplies to make jewelry and offer any kind of jewelry making class imaginable so then you can come back, buy supplies and be able to make your own. Very neat.
Mostly I just browsed, and when I had gone everywhere I went to Second Cup and got this:
A delicious hot chocolate and a cupcake from the 'Frosted' company that sells them at the market (who knew they sold them there? good news for you Roro)
I arrived home to THIS:
My dad hard at work painting the kitchen and dining room a beautiful sea blue turquoise. it looks great with the white cupboards and appliances, and grey trim around the porch doors. it's also a giant leap from the space grey color aka white that our entire house has been for the past 20 years. now our living room is a creamy eggshell color and our bathroom is newly tiled. i love house revamping! I also put up our christmas lights today, so now we're not the only dark house in the neighborhood. gotta love the christmas spirit around here.
mom told me that it happened... but i didn't truly believe it until just now!
i love reading your blog xxxxx
oh thank you!!!
o0o0o0o! Love the color! :)
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