Me and Robyn.
The Craftsitters Club: Me, M. and Tmo
Our IBX Sorority 2009 Christmas card, located on Michelle's fridge <3
Taken by M. I assume for you B.
Michelle and Dave's Engagement party aka the typical eastcoast kitchen party...
Me and Tmo posing near the atm at the Capital.
M. and her beau, Dan.
Best ever picture takers.
Second best ever picture takers.
Someone's not ready for the flash!
Just a bunch of pheonix dancing fools.
That's why her hair is so big, it's..full of secrets.
Head over heels and utterly bewildered.
Passed out party animals <3.
Aw looks like so much fun! Thanks for the full throttle shout out!
i don't even know what to say. the bf and i should just give up on taking pics together, i pass on full privileges to you.
also, us girls are epic!
Gotta love having good girlfriends like this!
I love all the pics! lease take that gross one off, ewwww, my eyessss.
Such a good night though! :)
T-hehe - crafters.
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