This morning i drove to work in my carpool and drank a MONSTER energy drink so as not to fall asleep:
The result is that I have an abundance of energy now, and no real way to disperse it. I hope it lasts all day. It feels good, lol. It is like a fun drug...except legal. I don't feel sad about things like BOYS right now. YAY. Everyone should drink these!
PS here are my new sneakers, just as killer as they were yesterday.
I love them.
Last night I watched some reruns of Peak Season, and realized how much I miss it. Killa killa! It was even an ep with the aussie couple in it <3. Sigh...and now Jersey Shore is almost over...what am I going to watch now.
I don't have makeup on and haven't decided whether im going to put any on or not yet. Hmmmm.
you should probably just give up on tv if all you want to do is watch those shows ;).. or I always suggest re watching sex and the city.
Vampire Diaries - TONIGHT the show comes back on <3 I'm so excited.
BAAAAAAAAAAH. i WILL be taping it.
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ha ha ha about the Monster energy drink ha ha ha... I wish your results were typical. I have never felt that way after drinking one. Then again, I have never finished one, either because it tasted too sweet or because it didn't tast very good, but I haven't tried the one that you have pictured... Maybe I shall. ha ha
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Amy Renee. I don't know if it has anything to do with this but I don't drink coffee, tea or pop often, so I am not normally exposed to an abundance of caffeine, I don't think anyway. Also I am a sucker for sweet drinks! This one is quite sweet and fruity. It's the only Monster flavor I've tried that I like. I also drink Full Throttle from time to time, it tastes a little like lime pop. I wouldn't choose to buy any other then those two, I find energy drinks in general are not very good.
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