I can’t wait until Monday, when by 4pm I will be leaving work! It’s hard to get any work done at this point of the day…mostly everyone is gone, even the people who get here after me (dang 9 hour days.) It’s quiet and we leftovers are usually pretty restless.
Tonight I have a jam packed evening planned!
First I need to find some decent ski pants that will both keep me warm and provide sufficient padding for the many butt falls I predict happening this Saturday. It’s pretty much official. Me and the Whit-ster are heading to the hill to show off our sweet snowboarding skills. Oh wait, I am getting a lesson first, lol. THEN the sweet skills will come out, I swear. Pray for my survival please!
I also am going to look around for a sporty jacket, since I doubt I can wear one of my pea coats or my faux-leather bomber jacket. Not really ideal for the sports.
Luckily the hill provides the rest of the gear (at a price) so I don’t have to deal with all that shaz.
I’ve also got to stop in to one of my favorite stores, Eves Rocher, to get some shampoo and conditioner and some really friggin cute FREE MUGS! One of my favorite things about this store is that they send you a coupon each month that lets you take 50% off an item or items or buy one get one free, and they always have a freebie as well. Last month it was a holiday spoon collection, which I tried to get for my mom near Christmas, sadly they were all gone. This month it is a really adorable mug and spoon. And for $1 more, you get a second mug and spoon. HOOK ME UP, MAYTEE!
By this time I will undoubtedly be starving to death. I will pick up Miss M. and drag her to Dimitres (the most delicious genuine Greek restaurant). She doesn’t know about this, but I can’t really see her objecting, and hopefully she’ll read this and NOT EAT first. <3
Then we are going up to Michaels, the expensive craft store of our town, and settling in at her place for some exciting crafting! I predict some new barrettes being made from me. She is planning on making a headband and a bulletin board! Cutes!
All in all should be a fun-tastic night! Hope I can find everything I need at the mall. I don’t think they let you on the hill in jeans…..
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
Don't worry about hurting yourself snowboarding. I fell a lot last year, but didn't hurt my butt at all.
PS. I'm pretty sure that there's a Men's XL ski jacket in the living room closet (it's green, cream and dark blue).
i love michaels! its the best! especially the coupons!
sounds like you have an awesome little adventure planned!make sure you blog about it afterwards!x
I wish wish wish I could have come!!!! I did get all moved though - so some stress is gone. :)
ooo thanks for the tip er, i will try that out.
michaels is the devil! seriously, i just drop money in there and dont even realize it. i went into last night all ready NOT to spend alot and still walked out with a $50 bill.
Tmo we missed you <3
you should probably teach me some jewlery skills. after we break some legs tomorrow all thats left is jewlery
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