Every weekend here is like another adventure. (I am puking from the corniness of what I just said there) I guess that's what you have to do when you work full-time. The weekends are like, your free bit of life.
We've gone out to a bunch of pubs - too many to name. That's one beautiful thing about Edmonton, there is always some place new to try. We celebrated my sister's birthday on the 21st and mine on the 28th. Another year older. We went to Calgary two weekends ago for 'Sled Island' - this awesome kick ass amazing music festival. This past weekend me and my sister went to this beautiful place about an hour and a half south of Edmonton called Sylvan Lake and sun-bathed/toured the entire day away. On Canada Day we played some beach volleyball which is my favorite as you know and even made some new friends!
Lots of stuff is going on. We've also managed to watch all 4 seasons of Trueblood and are now watching season 5. We are cool. AND IT IS INTENSE. We've also now started rewatching Lost. Well, I have.
Living here is getting a little better everyday. I still miss my friends and family so so utterly much, but I know we'll be together again soon.

So I just missed you and read your blog back to colin days. I am a creep. And I totally know the feeling and you seem to be doing waaayy better than I did. Adventures are good in the missing home things. I AM GOING TO BE SO PUMPED TO SEE YOU. LOVE YOU!
PS. I threatened to beat up colin ALOT. I have absolutely no follow through.
HAHAHAHA!! back in the good ol days eh colin that was so long ago crap
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