Why do my friends rock so much? I dont know, why do they rock so much.
Had the best effing time last night! Havent had a good girls night in too long.
Me yesterday = wohn wohn woooohn. So bummed, obviously.
Driving home in my carpool with a million thoughts running through my brain, I get a txt from my brotha from another motha ju, telling me to get the fuck over there for a mario party tonight. Hilarious! I'm like ok, but i wont be drinking (nobody likes a depressing drunk). i then get this lovely msg from whit: "pansy ass". lol, love how they are coordinating these texts. I'm alone at home, and decide i need to escape my super depressing household funk, so I head over to hutch's for some well needed girly time. We watch a little Chicago (Richard Gere, you're hot) and talk about my effed up dilemmas. Then she enlightens me with this awesome information that she is now allowed to drink again, healed after her ulcer sickness!!! Oh my god, I'm freaking. About this time we get some alisha texts from upstairs that pretty much sum up to: "bad day, need shots shots shot shot shot! and bar". Whit calls and begins to harass me to drink, bribing me with 3 bottles of white wine which she will never drink as she is a red girl. And we are sold.
We all 3 arrive at Whits and drink of the wine and do the hair and the makeup and listen to dancy songs. Meanwhile juju is having a less fun night, one of the guys he invited over is sick and the other is being a doucha. so he is solemnly playing guitar in the background. <3 except then we start talking about boys and sex and the conversation turns quite promiscuous...and julian is still right there listening LOL, throwing out comments every now and then but mostly laughing at our discussions. Love this kind of thing, haha always hilarious and honest and really it's stuff you can only talk about with your gfs.
Juju drives us to sweets at around 11:45...Ladies night! Dancey dancey dancey all night long (or atleast til 1) I talk and dance with a nice cute boy of 20. (Youngin'!) We see lovely Jin out! She is such a sweetheart and my fav asian, lol! All is good with the world.
at this point id just like to say i made sure to delete colins number from my phone before drinking and did not even think of him (much). Bottom line: NO DRUNK TEXTS! i think i am growing as a person.
Diplomat is next! yummy yummy poutine, chinese food and breakfast special. buddy comes with us, and clearly wants to come home with us. im like, sorry im going to whitneys and we are supposed to cuddle. DENIED lol. he was nice though and i will be sure to talk to him today, but really...fuck boys, im over it. Juju comes to get us and we head back, get on our pjs and hit the sack.
the night was just what i needed. funny how life just works itself out like that.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
1 comment:
Awwww :) Yay Ty :) <3 I'm glad you had a good night!!!! You deserved it!!
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