im going to attempt to write this post in 5 minutes! record time for me: here goes...
today has been a really weird day at work. super quiet: 4 of the regular guys that sit in my trailer are missing, and they are mostly the talkative ones (me and colin usually talk but literally have not said two words to eachother today, lol. COLD TURKEY!). Bottom line, I've been sitting in silence and there is no one who can even see me from where I sit so I have been dancing and mouthing words to my music ALL DAY LONG. Lol it has been the only thing to keep me sane.
So it has been raining here all day. Bummer. Brendon didnt show up for lunch like he usually does, so I sat there with the old men and listened to their grumblings and read my lady gaga featured flare magazine (her cover made me buy it, spur of the moment last night at the grocery store). Pretty uneventful...
There is a maintenance shed right beside my trailer entrance and there has been a bunny rabbit sitting under it in the same spot on and off for the past few weeks. Today it was there all day :) It makes me smile everytime I come to walk into the trailer, I can't help but think "BUNNY!" Lol. And it is fat and cute and not afraid of people and I just want to pick it up and adopt it.
Tonight I am going to a Yoga class for the first time since last year and I could not be more excited. I've got my lovely pink mat and LULU carrying case all ready at home! Hope I dont pass out, lol. Went to the gym for the first time in like years Saturday. Also went Sunday..then while grocery shopping had an extreme fainting attack, where I did not actually faint but had to hold myself up on my cart and was breathing like I had just run a marathon. Possibly due to my body not being used to exercise, possibly from getting the h1n1 shot saturday afternoon, possibly from getting smashed in the face with a drink tray. Too many possibilities. (I took 5 ibprophen when I got home, one for each illness and sore! Lol)
Well my time is up and I think I did it. Sorry for the shitty spelling which I am sure has happened and I'll try and snap a photo of the trailer bunny for future postings.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago