Most of you know I am the nerdiest of nerds. (And proud of it!) I love anime, vampire slayers, Doctor Who, elves and magic. ANY AND ALL TYPES OF FANTASY! Sometime, in my life, I will be costumed and at Comic Con. On my bucket list.
I thought I would show you what I get up to in my spare time. Now, this by far does not include everything that I watch/read/love, but it is a pretty good idea. If you're up to the nerdout task, give some of these a try.
Being Human UK
Doctor Who
Lost Girl
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Once Upon A Time
Vampire Diaries
But if you try only one...be it Firefly.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Tron: Legacy
X-Men series
Harry Potter series
The Last Unicorn
But if you only watch one...let it be The Fifth Element.
The Hunger Games Trilogy
The Harry Potter series
The Giver
Hush series
Matched series
Elfquest graphic novels
If you only open one, it should be The Host.

What do you NERDOUT to? Do you think I might like it?
I was so glad Divergent was on your list! I bought it last week because Chapters recommended it for me but I wasn't sure if it was any good or not. Now I know it is!
And to answer your question, I read comics online. I read Questionable Content, Dumbing of Age, Two Kinds, and Crowbar Benson on a regular basis, and I have a bunch bookmarked that I've been meaning to read. I think you'd like them, maybe less Crowbar Benson if you don't like hockey/sports. But the others definitely.
I've seen most movies and tv shows you have, but I have to add Dollhouse! same guy that did buffy, really excellent, only downfall is they cancelled it so it ends fast.
I Love firefly so so so so so so much. Nathan made me watch it. I always forget how much I love this stuff. Gotta let the nerd flag fly.
I need to catch up on my reading. Need to read the Host. Hunger games too.
I'm a secret nerd.
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