Alright we’ll start with an update on my HAT (below). The seller is willing to make it for me custom order style I can’t wait to get it! I am going to wear it all summer even if it is 30 degrees. Watch me.
Friday was FSTS: Everything went really well and Andrea successfully became a sister of Iota Beta Chi. I love her name: Sister Independent!
Saturday, as predicted, it was beautiful weather. I got up (early enough), ran some errands, picked up my copy of NEW MOON, washed my car (which was pointless as its pouring rain now), and drove my motorbike around town! It was glorious, and scary, and fun, and wild, and freeing.
Saturday night there were about 10 things happening I could have gone to, but I chose my friend Keana’s birthday party! (feel special ;) cuz you are) Me, Whit and Andrea met them at the Crowne Plaza hotel for predrinks in their room and then we all headed down to Boom (the local gay bar)
HOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLYYYYYY CRAP! So Much Fun! It was a scary amount of fun. Highlights of my night: seeing Nicole! A past soro sister and one of my loves, dancing like crazy fools on the stage (thank you booze, for that), 4 for the price of 3 shots (SKITTLES = MAGIC IN MY MOUTH, SERIOUSLY I COULD DRINK 20,000), chatting it up with the lovely drag queens, trying on their heals and playing with their awesome wigs!, meeting seth rogan, or his 17 year old counterpart, and the general awesomeness that resonates throughout the place.
Amazing night. Keana: please come again soon and do the same thing.
oh and I now have 20 followers. which means that i will be doing a giveaway super soon, cuz it is the cool thing to do! (really i love them..)
does it still count if im following myself and one of my sisters is following me twice?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
gay bars are FUN. there was a drag night at the one I liked in Halifax that I used to go to alot cuz a regular customer of mine at sobeys would ask me to. SO FUN.
and better than regular bars cuz you can dance and have fun with your girl friends and not worry about guys hitting on you and ruining the fun.
I am glad you got the hat. I can't wait to see a picture of you wearing it so you better post a picture.
I have never been to a gay bar. Don't know if I will have that experience... but I love the movie P.S. I Love You and they go to a gay bar and it is hilarious and fun. ANYwho. Hiiiiiiiiii. ha ha ha.
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