After a 20 minute chat with an old friend I met in first year I can't help but reminisce earlier years.
I was once a daredevil. I find myself more and more introverted as the years pass keeping more to myself and my trusted group of friends.
Cue first year university. I walked into Engineering Orientation 6 years ago knowing no one. Did that stop me? HA.
I walked into the auditorium alone, looked around, spotted the best looking guy and settled down beside him. I introduced myself and began explaining how I knew no one and he was so nice. Not two minutes later, his 2 friends arrived to sit down with him. And I had made my first bunch of engineering friends.
Over the years we've been in each others classes (less in recent years as none were in electrical engineering). Probably my favorite memory was from Geology class. We were sitting in an auditorium and Keith fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. God love im. It was the cutest thing. All a blur of boat races, Dragon Ball Z, pizza, homework assignments, metal concerts and video games in residence. First Year university love.
6 years later, through piles of homework, stolen kisses in res doorways and growing up I can still call that boy I first talked to a good friend. It is a rare thing and I am really just so glad I was brave enough to make that move on my own and talk to someone.
Be brave. Don't hesitate. It's worth it.

From left to right, Keith (guitar), Stuart, Aaron, Carlos. My room first year.
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