It's a one bedroom apt ground floor in a nice bldg, old but with character. At the end of August when her lease is up we'll most likely be moving into a bigger two bedroom. We live downtown close to everything it's great. I can walk to work in about 25 minutes and other than being really sweaty when I get there it's great. *Note to self: get in better shape. For now here is a little insight into where I hang my hat - Edmonton style.
Where I park - Lil'Blue!!
Our entrance
My new IKEA duvet cover and pillow set - loove
Our lil kitchen - tons of storage in there though
Britt did not have a microwave because she is crazy so I got us one
View from kitchen into the living room aka my bedroom
The couch actually folds down into my bed - that mat on the floor is where Britt is currently sleeping cuz our momma is in her bedroom, so that won't be there forever
My space - GD dresser from IKEA which took me four days and a trip to the Home Depot to put together
Awesome wall art in our bathroom - my favorite piece in the house
Our bathroom is also itty bitty - like this is taken from the hallway and there is not enough room for me to stand in it and be able to take a decent picture of my surroundings bitty, but it's okay :)
My two (hallway) closets - booyah muh stuf
And finally MEEE sitting and relaxing alone in the apt for the first time - Ahh :)

1 comment:
were you watching HP when you took that living room picture? haha I love it!
Also, I wanted to comment Yay for eye candy in the previous/more recent than this, post but didn't because I didn't want to figure out the prove you're not a robot thing just for that (I'm lazy, I know)
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