My name is Tyler and I'm a 23 yr old gal living in Eastern Canada (where I have lived my entire life) and yes I say "Eh?" all the time.
I am freshly (and I mean freshly) graduated from university with a degree in Electrical Engineering (WHAAAAT).
I was the president of my local Sorority, Iota Beta Chi for 2 years which I love love love and have made the best friends of my life from.
I have two cats (THEY ARE FATTIES!) and they are extremely annoying.
I have two motorcycles that I love and fear to drive.
I have no tattoos yet but I definitely have big big plans.
I play lots of sports, volleyball being my #1 favorite.
I have no husbands or children so don't expect any cute baby pictures!
I call myself nerdy but not nerdy nerdy like in a weird way like I wear a cape nerdy....breathe. I am really into science fiction and fantasy, books, movies, comics, the lot.
I LOVE 'frivolous' things like, make up and clothing. SUNGLASSES ARE THE SHIT.
I love travelling and indulgence. C'est la vie!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer will forever be my favorite television show it speaks to me like no other and if you haven't given it a serious try do yourself a favor.
I'm a big girl and love myself. 6ft tall and working it.
Hobbies include:
Major participation in any kind of party or celebrations
Watching movies and/or television shows
The ocean
Roasting marshmallows (Camping of, any form actually.)
Current obsessions:
The Walking Dead comic book series and television show
Twitter (Norman Reedus follows me. I'm kind of a big deal.)
Relaxing around the house while I try and get a real life job...
What I Blog About:
I write about what I want, when I want. And I do not censor. This includes but is not limited to my favorite books, movies, television shows, events in my life, dieting and relationships. I am at this stage in my life where I am transitioning from student to adult. It's weird. It freaks me out some times. It's happening. My friends are starting to get married and have children. This I also find weird and often makes me say things like, 'Deeerp...' but people keep telling me that it'll happen to me someday and I won't find it so weird then.
What you see is what you get. I hope you decide to stay awhile. Leave me your url in the comments so I can check out your blog. I lurv finding new reads. Keep on rockin in the free world.
Yupp. Pretty much sums it up.

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