Why. Why the fuck do you feel the need to come sit your ass across from my desk and talk to me for 30 minutes? Why? I’m sitting here, minding my own business, clearly not into the conversation you are trying to have with me. So changing tactics you instead comment on the work I’m still attempting to do as you sit there looking at me. The usual rude comments you say that I despise, which make me feel uncomfortable and I find insulting instead of humorous. It’s like you are poking at the worm you’ve stepped on with a stick trying to bring it back to life, or banging on the glass of the snake tank trying to make it move. It’s not gonna happen.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m getting over you. Face it. It’s no longer a silly girl act of ignoring you, trying to give off the impression that I don’t care…. It is literally that I don’t. Go live your life with your lame ass gf and your developing unibrow and leave me be!!
Now let’s see. O. M. Gee. I had an awesome weekend! First weekend of school being over so lots of people I love have gone home for the summer (tear) but us townies still managed to scrape together some fun. I’ve got a feeling this is going to be a good summer.
Friday me Whit Michelle and Dave watched THE FOURTH KIND on the big screen. IT WAS AWESOME AND TERRIFYING (and completely deserving of cap locks). I was actually shaking in my boots till I put myself to bed. We also made cake and ate it NOM!
Saturday night me Whit and Ebells had an insane girly night/throw back to 11 grade: running around town (literally outside...very dangerous and not highly recommended), drinking on the train bridge (possibly vomiting over the side and/or squat peeing on the bridge directly), and hitting up Indie Pop Night at the Capital. Yeah. Me and Whit started drinking at about 5:30pm...frozen summery drinks made of pure sunshine and goodness. Luckily we made it home alive in the end! Which the next morning I would have argued against...perhaps better wording would be that we survived, avoided jail and any fines and were infact breathing. Alive as in lively...not so much. Not till about 1pm for myself at least, which if any of you know me is a far cry from my usual "I have to get up at 4:30am to make it to work in SJ for 7:30". Oh and I guess I can't exclude our 3am trip to the infamous Diplomat for a delicious open 24/7 meal. (Cheeseburger and poutine....yuuuuuuuum) I would also like to mention here a few key notes: 1. Yelling "G'DAY, MATE!" while exiting the restaurant at various tables. Why you may ask? Well why the hell not. 2. W&E mooning a table of skanky cougars through the window outside while waiting for our cab. 3. One of said ladies running outside to tell us off, and being completely shut down verbally by Bells while me and Whitney died laughing in the background, and at the same time prayed the staff wasn't at that moment calling the cops on us.
umm...sometimes our maturity level is really high...
Moving on! Lastly my weekend ended with a loverly surprise visit from mr. evan sunday night. He brought some beers and we sat on the back porch eating potatoe chips and playing cards till the sun went down.
And even though it is gross humid and rainy outside I managed to drag my ass to yoga tonight, which was exceptional I might add. I could definitely feel missing last week tho: EVEN MY BONES HURT! Womp.
Please escuse me while I go take showa!
Sounds like lots of fun!!!!!Miss you!
The Fourth Kind, eh? I might just have to see that. your drunken adventures sound mighty hilarious.
I felt so stupid after I watched The Fourth Kind because I honestly thought it was a film about real events. Ha!
well done you! kick his bum! he's a poophead!
I still haven't seen The Fourth Kind, but the trailer scared me haha! Bless Coralene at her comment up there ^^^
i listened to show your bones this morning on the bus, just sayin. somethin like a phenomena...
cute blog!! Going to stalk around a bit more!
Haha, oh how I love your blog. I love how you just literally tell it how it is. You go girl!
Check out my blog, headbands for sell! :)
-Sarah Ann
Heart you. first part of your post was sooooo me circa 1995. keep up the writing style!
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