So I am almost 2 months into my 16 month employ at PLGS (Point Lepreau Generating Station) and the deal with it is that I am forced to spend 3 hours a day in a car commuting to and from. This severly cuts into any free time before or after work, so I have challenged myself into trying a different activity every weekend! So far it has worked really well, keeping me motivated and not crazy; I have acquired a $2 library card (go every wed), participated in my company golf tournament, played tennis, painted, played softball, created new clothing and accessories, and just picked up a jewellry making kit and glue gun this week. Who knows what adventures this weekend will unfold...except for the wedding I'm already attending Saturday and my 21st BIRTHDAY being Sunday! (It's also my friend's bday and she is throwing a 'White Trash' BBQ which I'm attending). Here's Johnny....
"I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me, is the only sensible way to love."
— Francois Sagan
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
Hullooooo to you. My blog is empty, but I'm excited to read yours! :)
i am excited!
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