Here I am. Post-graduation. Post-I-got-JOB. Post-driving-cross-Canada-from-NB.
It's 6:30am, 9:30 Fredericton time. I am wide awake. Trying to type silently as I watch my sister sleeping 10ft away.
I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT HERE FOR REAL. I remember a few years ago joking with B "O I'm going to come live with you out here after I am done school! It's gonna be da bomb." And then 3 years later it is...has actually happened.
This is the part where I am giving all the nitty gritty details of what I did for all you nosy sods.I give you:
The Long Drive from Fredericton, NB to Edmonton, AB (a poem by Tyler Fraser)
Now since I am crazy I allowed my family to sway my decision on which route to travel to get there, even though I had googled the route and found a perfectly suitable way that was 4,404km.
This would have taken us through the United States. It would have been great.
Instead we managed to take a route that was 4,463km through Canada. This doesn't really rhyme.
The first night we stopped in Ottawa and visited my Aunt, Uncle and cousin who are awesome and we stayed overnight at their house.
The next day we drove until we got to this little place called Hearst, Ont. where we stayed at the HoJo's.
It reminded me of my friend, Jojo.
We kept driving the next day to Winnepeg, MB where we stayed at the Comfort Inn.
We could have made it to B's the third day if we had pushed hard and driven 16hrs (yeah, no), I decided since I was being compensated for my travels by my new work that I would like to stay in another hotel, relax, shower, do my hair, etc and then finish the drive off the next day so we stayed in North Battleford, SK.
This hotel was shite, had a giant fishtank and two waterslides that looked awesomely unsafe.
Tropical Inn don't do it.
It was overall a quite enjoyable road trip with my mom. We bonded. She is weird. I am weird. We did half a cross-word. We listened to HP on audiobook. She learned the lyrics to "I'm Glad You Came" cuz I played it 20 times. I sang (yelled) so much I lost my voice Day 2.
Things I have learned about road trips:
It's hard when you have to drive and navigate while someone is talking in your ear trying to convince you you are certainly going the wrong way.
Listening to ppl snore in the car is HILARIOUS and it's really really hard not to laugh.
On road trips you eat literally the entire time. We had a constant snackage train happening. And when we didn't have anything I was bored out of my mind and thinking about what to get next.
1000 songs on your iPod is not enough.
Speeding is necessary. The speed limit through ALL of Ontario was 90km/hr. Seriously. 90?! Fuck slow down speedfreaks.
Driving windy roads = fun. Driving flat highways I just fell asleep.
Carrying bags into a hotel at night is the worst. Pack light for the little stops along the way or suffer the consequences.
Don't let your mother touch the GPS.
Animals aka Moose standing in middle of road not giving a fuck.
Ontario is one big giant farm. Also, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I have moved to a giant farm.

WHOOP WHOOP! Glad you got there safely : Sounds like lots of fun, you should have went on the waterslide!
hahaha I know exactly what you mean by the moose. my dad told me once when it happened to us that it's because the moose ate poop which fries their brains... he might've been joking though, I was super young so couldn't tell the difference.
Love it! Also I just listened to Glad you came a few times
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