The Maze Runner trilogy. I have heard a lot about this and I think they have the potential to become my all time favorite books.
The next book series I am interested in reading are the Delirium books by Lauren Oliver. Seems like they will be right up my alley. The society in these books views the emotion of Love as a disease that is to be cured. Possibly lobotomy style. Let's hope not for their sake.
Finally is the Shiver trilogy, which I actually got for Christmas this year! And for some reason I forgot about it because I was cleaning off my shelves today and just spotted it tucked all cozy on the top shelf! I will therefore be starting this set first and we will see how it goes from there.
Okay. That's about 8-9 books. This will take me 5 years.
What books are you guys really into reading right now?

1 comment:
Im currently reading Cresendo by Sarah Fitzpatrick after finishing Hush, Hush. Ill read the next book and then Im on to the Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey.
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