Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, boom boom!
sitting around at home watching the buried life, wishing there were old school christmas movies on. can i get a little claymation? please?
sooooo the holidays have arrived with a bang. maybe i should take the pumpkins off my deck. erm, whatdya think.
this is my beautiful backyard. SNOW SNOW SNOW.
tonight i am going to an old fashioned slumber party. that's right, SLUMBER PARTY. also, it's a sorority slumber party.
wow, that just hit me. sorority. slumber party. cue flash to naked pillow fight scene..awwwkwaaaard.
Annny ways, I made this at school. BAM. (btw, it's a power supply. see that big thing? that's a transformer. wound it myself. yupp.)
Gotta go to the dollar store for some goooooodies! Enjoy your weekends.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
haha you are a funny gal! you had me at - claymation please? lol. and your post got even better when you showed us your dieing jack o lanterns! actually, i think they should stay. and the kicker- flash to naked pillow fight scene sorority slumber party...bwahhahaahaha
hope you had fun!! :)
oh and btw! that power supply you made is awweeesomeeeee!!! it looks like you did a great job...of course i really wouldn't know if it is a great job, but it most likely is! :D
Aw our backyard looks to pretty :)
And that transformer is freakin sweet! When did you get smarter than me? haha Mwah!
your pumpkins look like old people with their teeth out. i like it :) x
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