Nothing is better than something extra-HILarious happening when you are feeling like shit. OH wait, tripping yourself and sprawling on the ground during downtown traffic is not so funny. Okay, yeah - it was pretty funny. Ha ha, I was like 'JESUS' - *slam*. Palm face. Get up, gather dignity, swat bloody torn pant knee and walk on.
In other news I am an official Albertan now. Or, my car is anyways. I had to get an eye test in order to get an Alberta drivers license and I
barely passed because I was wearing my glasses. THE ONE DAY I do not put my contact lenses in. Also Alberta's drivers licenses are apparently similar to mug shots since you are not allowed to smile. The guy was like..'You can't do that. It messes up the polices face recognition software.' I was like...ummm..ahhh.
Then I went to the grocery store aaand it was pretty typical. Except that while I was standing in the produce aisle there was this young guy worker who was reaching up high on the shelf and the little sprinklers sprayed water and totally got him. He was like 'AW SHIT!' and then he looked up at me and we both lost it.
Work was cool today because I actually worked one-on-one with the electrical group supervisor. He is this important guy who has the power to fire me at any moment but I feel oddly comfortable working with him - he talks to me like he thinks I know what I'm doing. Which I think I sort of do..or am beginning to. Either way it is great.
Last night when I was feeling blue my mamma called because...she is the bomb. I miss everyone.